



不锈钢制品有限公司,位处中国南方、广东省粤东地区、潮汕黄金地带潮安县城区、彩塘潮汕公路旁,地理位置得天独厚、经济发达、交通十分方便,广梅汕铁路、高速公路穿越而过,比邻南20公里达汕头国际机场、港口码头,北20公里达潮州市历史文化名城,是名显海内外之侨乡,是中国不锈钢制品之乡,是集美术工艺、高新科技、工商贸易的繁华中心,更是千闻不如一见工业基地、商贸、行居、旅游之胜地。德业山不锈钢制品有限公司,是中国不锈钢制品之乡“彩塘”中的一家专业生产、销售高级不锈钢制品企业。自创建以来,始终秉承“诚信务实、开拓进取”的企业理念,积极引进高新科技设备、人才,建立健全企业管理体制,树立以人为本、和谐为荣、同舟共济、齐心协力形象,发扬目标一致,努力奋斗,不断开拓、研发优质产品,坚持强化管理原则,增强生产活力,保持产品优质信誉,营造优质产品,工艺精美,高雅独特,美观大方,性能可靠,使用方便,卫生、既实惠又实用,多年来产品畅销海内外,赢得广大客户信赖和厚爱,取得丰硕成就。质量荣获信得过企业,计量信得过单位,农业部质量管理达标证书。德业山牌不锈钢器皿获第九届中国专利技术博览会金奖。 “德业山”牌系列产品,严格采用优质不锈钢材料及高新科技,精制而成,具有类型广、款式多、品种齐全、质量可靠等特征,并且承接客户定制产品和指定配套产品等服务,适应机关团体、工矿企业、工商贸易、环保卫生、家居装饰、生活日用、文化用具、旅游用品、电器产品、通讯系统、大型活动、广告赠品、纪念品、奖品等配套需要,具体产品参见目录或来函来电商祺。 竭诚欢迎海内外顾客莅临指导,共商发展谋略!

deyeshan Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd., located in southern China, Guangdong Province, eastern Guangdong Province, Chaozhou-Shantou Golden Strip Chaoan City, Industrial Zone, Chaozhou-Shantou Highway, strategic location, developed economy, transportation is very convenient, Guangzhou-Meizhou-Shantou Railway, high-speed crossing the road, adjacent to the south 20 kilometers up to Shantou International Airport, the port terminals, up to 20 kilometers north of Chaozhou City, the historical cultural city, is the hometown of overseas Chinese at home and abroad were significant, is the hometown of China's stainless steel products, is a arts and crafts, high-tech Commerce and Industry bustling center of trade, but also smell better than a 1000, see industrial base, commerce, transportation home, tourist resort.

deyeshan Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd., is China's Stainless Steel Products Co. township "color pond" in which a professional production, sales of high-level stainless steel products business. Since its establishment, always adhering to the "integrity and pragmatic, pioneering and enterprising" corporate philosophy to actively introduce high-tech equipment, personnel, establish and improve enterprise management system, establish a people-oriented, harmonious pride and solidarity, together image and promote unity of purpose to work hard , and constantly open up, R & D quality and adhere to strengthen management principles to enhance the production activity, maintain product quality reputation, to create a "German Industry Mountain" brand series of high-quality products, quality, won the trust business, trust units of measurement, the Ministry of Agriculture Total Quality Management Certificate . Stainless steel utensils deyeshan Mountain brand was the ninth gold medal China Patent Technology Fair.

"De sector Mountain" brand series of products, strict application of high-quality stainless steel materials and high-tech science and technology, crafted with a type of broad, multi-style, variety complete, quality and reliability features, and to undertake customization of products and ancillary products and other services designated to meet the bodies and institutions, industrial and mining industry, commerce, environmental protection, health, home decoration, daily life, culture and appliances, travel goods, electrical appliances, communication systems, large-scale events, advertising gifts, souvenirs, prizes, etc. supporting the needs of specific products see the catalog or write Call Regards.

We sincerely welcome customers home and abroad come to guide, to jointly develop strategies!



  • 主营: 不锈钢制品
  • 地址: 广东省潮州市潮安县彩塘镇潮汕公路旁
  • 联系: weng
  • 手机: 13727901231
  • 电话: 0768-4545646
  • 邮箱: 612374@qq.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 34658 次

